Like what you see? Write me at for information on web design for your site. I'd love to create custom graphics for your site!

All of these collages are by me.  Please don't take them!  If you would like to use one on your site, please ask first and make sure to include my name and email.  If you have a collage you would like to submit, please send it to me at  Thanks!  (Click on the thumbnail to see the large image.) 

These collages were made for my degree at XFU.

believe_collage.jpg (55092 bytes)

x_collage.jpg (44513 bytes)

serenity_collage.jpg (24362 bytes)

rerun_collage.jpg (67938 bytes)


To the X



These below are other collages I have created; they may be sent off to XFU in the future...

practicedecieve.jpg (120692 bytes)

something.jpg (147547 bytes)

stylist.jpg (59558 bytes)

learn.jpg (64092 bytes)



Ghost Stories

Everything I need to know in life, I learned from the X-Files

shadows_red.JPG (35197 bytes) whole.jpg (367600 bytes) celestial.jpg (25048 bytes) natural.jpg (105962 bytes)
Shadows Fight Not This Future Celestial The Naturals
already in love.jpg (20652 bytes) touchstone.jpg (51978 bytes) Cameo.jpg (45319 bytes) forest.jpg (31660 bytes)
Already in Love Touchstone Cameo A Nice Little Trip to the Forest
colors.jpg (49738 bytes) africa50.jpg (40051 bytes) indianguide.jpg (82160 bytes) samvers2.jpg (74416 bytes)
Scullyism Into Africa Indian Guide's Honor Samantha
motw.jpg (86480 bytes) Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon
Monster of the Week Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon

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